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LOG: BACK TO BARBELL BASICS - samgraves82 - 12-09-2024

12/8 legs
Got lazy and didn't post last night. Boy I have t been in that hack squat for a heavy set in a while and boy did I mess up. Didn't have my old log book with me and I thought I remembered the right weight but not was in wrong I got 2 reps on first set and failed on 3rd and had to crawl out. I figured I wouldn't get it but I was being hard headed. The rest went really well tho. I gotta get more extra in and add adductors. After this "training cycle" Imma switch out a couple things.

Standing hams(used leg ext cause this gym don't have standing downstairs and upstairs was closed. )
60x13/7/5 rest pause

Hack squat
4pps +35 x 2
3pps +35 x 10

Front squat (I'm done trying this)

80x13 (3 count pause)

Standing calves
230x17/8/5 rest pause
[Image: 9c361bd2e48b040349059d32e7ada4e7.jpg][Image: f400fbabcf74fee86d99ed58491b6c9d.jpg][Image: 70495c4effbec9ae02bba9b26eac390e.jpg][Image: f56b7b79a53c2ac34aaff1fed21aa2db.jpg]

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LOG: BACK TO BARBELL BASICS - samgraves82 - 12-11-2024

I've been absent couple days. Just tryna keep my life together it seems like. At least the gyms going well. [Image: 894f7be4ab6b36fcdf3e10db44aa6b2b.jpg][Image: 95a627dee183873f8c3c97aebae7f1bc.jpg]

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LOG: BACK TO BARBELL BASICS - samgraves82 - 12-15-2024

12/15 push A
Totally shit the bed on barbell presses tonight. I assume cause my head was down the road somewhere. The rest of the session went good tho. Gotta stupid chest pump tho!!! Only got 3 reps with 305 so on the fly just dropped to 275 and got 5 more on the drop set.

25° incline press
305x3 drop set to 275x5 plus negative

Flat hammer strength rest pause
2.5 pps x 9/2/1(cheated up the 2nd rep) plus negative

Hi pulley fly
40x35 + partials

Weighted stretch w/ 30lb DB in fly position

DB laterals
30x28 + partials drop set to

Pro squat shoulder press rest pause

Smith close grip bench press rest pause

Rope press down (plan says freestyle)
All sets to fail with 70,60,50,40,30,20,30

Tricep stretch on the dip station with body weight
[Image: 0e67f533ce9d925229be19c43cd1c723.jpg][Image: 0f0d27dfd739019506efc440bfc661ed.jpg]

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LOG: BACK TO BARBELL BASICS - samgraves82 - 12-17-2024

12/16 pull
Done went and messed up my back again. I'm not sure how laying in bed for a whole day can make one specific part of lower back/spine hrt this was but it does. Both times now it's been after a push day and laying in bed all day the next day. I've switched how I'm falling asleep too. So needless to say I couldn't deadlift yesterday. Last time I was able to but I was fine with just the bar but I twisted wrong way loading a 45 plate and holy fuck. Could t break 135 off the floor. So I just moved on.

Ez bar pulldown supinated
90x10/5/3 RP

xxx xx

Seated cable row
120x15/10/7 RP

Rear delt cable fly
12.5x17/13/7 RP

Ez bar curls
60x14/8/4+2 cheats RP

DB preacher curls

[Image: 76c027d007303c072204ca458d4dee4e.jpg][Image: cb8eed128f8cba10d3dd9f3f4c5e0661.jpg][Image: d6a3bf31fa1035328ed403a914b62b8e.jpg][Image: 8a444a34894cc574c8f5115473d9eb3c.jpg]

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LOG: BACK TO BARBELL BASICS - samgraves82 - 12-19-2024

12/18 legs
Didn't really try to push the leg press today cause of my back. It's doin much better and wanna keep it that way. Push back up next time. I did match the log book tho so didn't go backwards. Did my widow maker on leg ext instead of hack too. Think I may keep doing that actually. Gotta pretty decent pump too!!

Seated ham curl 1x rp
225x11/4/1 +13 partial

Pivot leg press
6pps x 12
5pps +10lbs x 21

Leg extensions very nice tempo here

GHR sort of I was very careful with these
BW x 20

[Image: 742012a010e08579f3990aeb9974a4fe.jpg][Image: ff1149b0c27077beea4df29c8bf299f5.jpg][Image: 54cf45732f607a718f4ad99de52ae5d6.jpg]

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LOG: BACK TO BARBELL BASICS - samgraves82 - 12-20-2024

12/20 push B
Today was pretty damn solid day. Taking it easy on leg press other day and on pull day with the 2 days off helped a lot cause I was starting to get a little beat up. I felt good today tho. Happy with bench press and switched the hammer incline with the dynabody standing press. Never gave that thing a real chance so Imma ride it out for about 8 weeks just to see how it goes. It felt pretty nice today. I'll call it standing incline in log.

Bench press
245x12 + negative

Standing incline 1x rp set
2pps x 8/4/3 +negative

Incline cable fly
40x16(widow maker but couldn't get to 20)

Cable lateral not rest between sets

Smith press 1x rest pause

Str8 bar pressdowns 1x rest pause

[Image: ac439ced30b7ef3d828a98b28a72ce62.jpg][Image: 95db1c72f343a8cbacb6a86b7cfc765a.jpg][Image: 93ad396bf8b37fe5e44cc9afe98cd37e.jpg][Image: f294a9ff13734a0a9d736f0ebb338078.jpg]

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