01-18-2025, 02:59 PM
Sat Jan 18 '25 - Iron Abyss
Speed Work - 6 day split test - week 2
200.7 body weight
1705 cals headed to 3000
60 min cardio - stat bike 17.4 miles 112/114bpm
Today was a fun day , speed speed speed. Kept to straight weight today no offset with bands or chains and just went for it.
Swapped out a couple of set/rep scheme just for fun , that felt good too.
All in all , 10/10 stars n garters
​Stretches -
Knees to chest 4x20 hold - 90/90 stretch 3x20 hold - Cobra Stretch 3x30 hold - Pelvic Tilt 2x20 - Pelvic Raise 2x20 - Ankle Circles 2x20 - Hip Circles 2x20 - Dead Bugs 2x20 - Bird Dogs 2x20 - Side Planks 3x30 hold - Supermans 3x30 hold - Childs Pose 2x1min hold
Lifts -
Squats - speed work - 8x3 - 65% 1rm
Warm up - ebx3 ebx3
Progression 150x3 - 200x3 - 240x3 - 290x3
Working Sets - 310x3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3
Seated Good Morning - from low pins bottom of squat - 5x5
210x5 - 230x5 - 250x5 - 260x5 - 270x5
Zercher Squats with PAP pairings - Iron Abyss
​Progression - 195x10 - 215x5 - 3x235
*PAP Pairings - 255x1 + 4 13" Box Jumps - 255x1 + 6 13" Box Jumps - 275x1 + 6 Box Jumps - 295x1 + 4 Box Jumps
Deficits - 2" - 65% 1rm - 4x4
Build up - 135x4 - 225x4 - 315x4 - 365x4
Working Sets - 385x4x4x4x4
Shrugs - Iron Abyss + Back Off Sets -
Progression - 230x10 - 250x5 - 270x3 - 290x2 - 310x1
*Back Off Sets - 285x6 - 250x8 - 230xamrap 12* keep track
Abs - Bent Leg Lifts - 4 sets of 30
Sat Jan 18 '25 - Iron Abyss
Speed Work - 6 day split test - week 2
200.7 body weight
1705 cals headed to 3000
60 min cardio - stat bike 17.4 miles 112/114bpm
Today was a fun day , speed speed speed. Kept to straight weight today no offset with bands or chains and just went for it.
Swapped out a couple of set/rep scheme just for fun , that felt good too.
All in all , 10/10 stars n garters
​Stretches -
Knees to chest 4x20 hold - 90/90 stretch 3x20 hold - Cobra Stretch 3x30 hold - Pelvic Tilt 2x20 - Pelvic Raise 2x20 - Ankle Circles 2x20 - Hip Circles 2x20 - Dead Bugs 2x20 - Bird Dogs 2x20 - Side Planks 3x30 hold - Supermans 3x30 hold - Childs Pose 2x1min hold
Lifts -
Squats - speed work - 8x3 - 65% 1rm
Warm up - ebx3 ebx3
Progression 150x3 - 200x3 - 240x3 - 290x3
Working Sets - 310x3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3
Seated Good Morning - from low pins bottom of squat - 5x5
210x5 - 230x5 - 250x5 - 260x5 - 270x5
Zercher Squats with PAP pairings - Iron Abyss
​Progression - 195x10 - 215x5 - 3x235
*PAP Pairings - 255x1 + 4 13" Box Jumps - 255x1 + 6 13" Box Jumps - 275x1 + 6 Box Jumps - 295x1 + 4 Box Jumps
Deficits - 2" - 65% 1rm - 4x4
Build up - 135x4 - 225x4 - 315x4 - 365x4
Working Sets - 385x4x4x4x4
Shrugs - Iron Abyss + Back Off Sets -
Progression - 230x10 - 250x5 - 270x3 - 290x2 - 310x1
*Back Off Sets - 285x6 - 250x8 - 230xamrap 12* keep track
Abs - Bent Leg Lifts - 4 sets of 30