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Yano's old man lifts such and so forth

Jan 6 '25 - Iron Abyss
Lower Monday Deadlift Focus - 6 day split test
200.1 body weight
1560 cals headed to 3000
60 min cardio - stationary bike 17.0 miles 112/114bpm

Today was the first day to test the 6 day split of the program , it went well.

My SI is a bit out of whack today so nothing heroic , aint so easy deadlifting when you feel like ya got one leg an inch longer than the other.

Everything feels 10 times heavier than it should , just one of them days.

Tried hanging , massaging , jets in the tub beating on it , just cant get it to slip back into place yet or release, did what I could without fucking things up more.

Stretches -
Knees to chest 4x20 hold - 90/90 Stretch 3x20 hold - Pelvic Raise 2x20 - Pelvic Tilt 2x20 - Dead Bugs 2x20 - Single Knee 2x20 hold - Bird Dogs 2x20 - Supermans 3x45 hold - Side Planks 3x45 hold - Childs Pose 2x20 hold

Lifts -
Deadlifts - Iron Abyss progression
Warm up - ebx5 135x5 - 225x5
Progression - 275x10 - 325x5 - 385x3 - 425x1 - 425x1 + 4 Broad Jumps 43" - 470x1 +6 Broad Jumps 41" - 530x1 + 6 Broad Jumps 42" - 560x1 +4 Broad Jumps - could of timed this rep with a calendar just horrible
*Back off Sets - 450x6 - 395x8 - 365xAMRAP 9* just no gas left in the back n right hip

Deficit Deadlifts 2" - 4x4 - 75%1rm - 440x4 - 450x4 - 460x3+1 - 470x2+1+1

Pendlay Rows - 185x10 - 205x5 - 225x2 - 225x1 - 225x1 + 6 Explosive Pull Ups - 245x1 + 6Explosive Pull Ups - 245x1 + 6 Explosive Pull Ups - 265x1 + 4 Explosive Pull Ups

Landmine Rows - 75x10 - 85x5 - 95x2 - 95x1 + 4 Explosive Pull Ups - 105x1 + 6 Explosive Pull Ups - 105x1 + 6 Explosive Pull Ups - 115x1 + 4 Explosive Pull Ups

Shrugs - 4x8 - 315x8 - 320x8 - 325x8 - 330x8

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts 4x30
[MEDIA=youtube]-jB_QM73Slk, list: PLtJK_InIjqtR2dnM4q1189a1ZKX6eAjay[/MEDIA]

Jan 7 '25 - Iron Abyss
Tuesday - 6 day split test - Bench focus
200.4 body weight
1447 cals headed to 3000
60 min cardio - stationary bike 17.32 miles 112/114 bpm

Today was the second day of testing the 6 day split , it went well. Bar moved well ,decent speed, had fun and it all felt pretty good.

SI is still tweaked so there wasnt a ton of leg drive to be had but still got in some decent work.

Stretches -
Band Pulls 2x10
Band Press 2x10
Band Xover 2x10
Band YRaise 2x10
Band Face Pulls 3x20

Lifts -
Competition Bench - pauses on final 5 singles
Warm up - ebx5 ebx5 135x5
Progression - 165x10 - 185x5 - 220x3 - 245x2 - 270x1
*Competition Singles/PAP Pairings - 270x1 + 4 ExPushUps - 270x1 + 6 ExPushUps - 270x1 + 6 ExPushUps - 270x1 + 4 ExPushUps
**Back Off Sets - 220x8 - 190x8 - 175xAMRAP - 12* keep track

Incline Close Grip Bench - 4x8 - 185x8 - 195x8 - 205x8 - 215x6+2

Decline Bench - 4x8 - 185x8 - 195x8 - 205x8 - 215x8

Bent Row - 4x8 - 155x8 - 175x8 - 185x6+2 - 195x5+2+1

Lu Raises - 4x8 - 20x8 - 22.5x5 - 25x8 - 25x6+2 - I have to buy some more micros

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts - 4 sets of 30

Jan 8 '25 - Iron Abyss 6 day split test
​Active Recovery Wednesday
200.3 body weight
1593 cals headed to 3000
60 min cardio - 17miles 112/114 bpm

Today was fun , an actual full blown active recovery day, not just some biking and farting a hole in a chair cushion.

Worked out some stiffness, got my SI joint to click back into place with a mighty grind and an oh fuck or two.

Feels good being able to stand up straight again. 10/10 stars

Targeted Mobility Work
Focus Areas: Hips, shoulders, lower back, ankles ... and uh stuff

Hip -
90/90 Stretch 2x30 sec each side
Hip Circles 2x10 each direction
Pigeon Pose 2x 30 hold - first time doing these

Shoulder -
Wall Angels 2x10 - holy crap these are hard haahahah
Band Pull-Aparts 3x15
Overhead Reach Stretch 2x30 each side

Ankle -
Ankle Circles 2x10 each
Deep Squat Hold 2x30 hold
Lunge with a slow twist 2x10 each

Lower Back -
Cat-Cow Stretch 2x10
Child’s Pose 2x1 min hold

Core Activation & Stability -
Dead Bugs 2x15 each side
Bird Dogs 2x15 each side
Side Plank 2x30 sec each side
Pelvic Tilt 2x20 slow reps
Plank 2x30 sec

Stretching -
Hamstring Stretch 2x30 hold each
Hip Flexor Stretch 2x30 hold each
Seated Forward Fold 2x30 hold
Cobra Stretch 2x30 hold

Accessories -
DB Rows - 3x15 - 25x15x15x15
DB Curls - 3x15 - 20x15x15x15
DB Press - 3x15 - 25x15x15x15

Jan 9 '25 - Iron Abyss
6 day split test
200.3 body weight
1520 cals headed to 3000
60 min cardio 17.1 miles - 112/114bpm

Today was a solid day , kept to the programming no heroics and it all flowed together really well.

Hinge n hips were into it and firing on time, back feels strong , I got no complaints.

Stretches -
Knees to chest 4x20 hold - 90/90 Stretch 2x30 hold - Cobra Stretch 2x30 hold - Pelvic Tilt 2x20 - Pelvic Raise 2x20 - Dead Bugs 2x20 - Bird Dogs 2x20 - Supermans 3x30 hold - Side Planks 3x30 hold - Childs Pose 2x30 hold

Lifts -
Squats - SSB - Low box - Iron Abyss with PAP
Warm up - ebx5 ebx5 150x5 - 200x5
Progression - 215x10 - 250x5 - 300x3 - 335x2 - 370x1
*PAP Pairings - 370x1 + 4 13" Box Jumps - 370x1 + 6 13" Box Jumps - 370x1 + 6 13" Box Jumps - 370x1 + 4 Box Jumps
**Back Off Sets - 300x6 - 260x8 - 245xAMRAP - 12* keep track

Stiff Leg GM - 4x8 - 210x8 - 220x8 - 230x8 - 240x8

Zercher Squats - 185x10 - 205x5 - 225x3 - 245x2 - 265x1 - 275x1

Rack Pulls - Hole below knee
Build up - 225x3 - 315x3 - 405x3 - 455x3
Progression - 470x5 - 535x3 - 575x2 - 615x1

Shrugs - 4x8 - 330x8 - 335x8 - 340x8 - 345x6+1+1

Pallof Press - looped red mini band - 80" stretch roughly 50lbs of resistance - 4 sets of 8

Jan 10 '25 - Iron Abyss
Friday Pressing Focus
​199.9 body weight
1740 cals headed to 3000
60 min cardio 17.6 miles 114bpm

Today was a good solid work day.

Dr told me with my spine the one thing to makes sure I don't do much of is over head pressing soooo, after months of not doing it,,,, guess what ?

Didn't get too crazy with the cheez whiz , stayed sensible and it worked out. Amazing how pressing on one plane can tire you out for working on others , combine that with the sets of 8 instead of 5's and it was a humbling work day but enjoyable for sure.

Stretches -
Band Press 2x10
Band Pull 2x10
Band Xover 2x10
Band Yraise 2x10
Band Face Pull 3x15

Lifts -
Over Head Press -
Warm up - ebx5 - ebx5 - 95x5
Progression 105x10 - 120x5 - 135x3
*PAP Pairings - 140x1 + 4 ExPushUps - 140x1 + 6 ExPushUps - 145x1 + 6 ExPushUps - 150x1 + 4 ExPushUps
**Back Off Sets - 125x6 - 110x8 - 105xAMRAP - 12* Keep Track

Incline Close Grip BP - 4x8 - 145x8 - 155x8 - 165x8 - 170x8

​Decline Wide Grip BP - 4x8 - 155x8 - 165x8 - 170x8 - 175x8

JM Press - 4x8 - 155x8 - 160x8 - 165x8 - 170x8

DB Lat Raise - 4x8 - 20x8 - 22.5x8 - 25x8 - 25x6+2

Pull Ups - 4 sets of 8

Bent Leg Lifts - 4 sets of 30

Jan 11 '25 - Iron Abyss
Saturday Speed Fest
​199.6 body weight
1705 cals headed to 3000
60 min cardio - stationary bike 17.8 miles 114/116bpm

Speedy Saturday some squats some deads , lil this lil that and were in and out quick clean and quiet.

Everything felt good , moved well.

6 day split is kind of fun , feels like a deload.

Stretches -
Knees to chest 3x20 hold - 90/90 stretch 3x30 hold - Cobra Stretch 3x30 hold - Pelvic Tilt 2x20 - Pelvic Raise 2x20 - Dead Bugs 2x20 - Single knee to chest 2x10 hold - Bird Dogs 2x20 - Supermans 3x45 hold - Side Planks 3x45 hold - Childs Pose 2x1min hold

Lifts -
Squats - 8x3 - Speed Speed Speed - SSB - 310 on the bar + 4 red mini + 2 grey + 70 in chains + kitchen sink = 790# at the top
Warm up - ebx5 ebx5 - 2 redmini x 3 - 4 red mini x 3
Progression - 150/4x3 - added 2 grey bands - 150/4/2x3 - added 70# in chains - 150/4/2/70x3 - 200/4/2/70x3 - 270/4/2/70x3
Working Sets - 310/4/2/70x3x3x3x3x3x3x2x1x1x1x1 - ran out of gas finished with singles

Stiff Leg Good Mornings - 4x8 - 215x8 - 225x8 - 235x8 - 245x8

Zercher Squats - 190x10 - 210x5 - 230x2 - 230x1 + 4 Box Jumps 13" - 250x1 + 6 Box Jumps 13" - 250x1 + 6 Box Jumps 13" - 270x1 + 4 Box Jumps 13"

Deficit Deads - 4x4 - 2" deficit - stiff bar no bands or chains - snatch grip - 65%1rm = 385

Shrugs - 4x8 - 315x8 - 325x8 - 335x8 - 345x6+2

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts with mini band - no clue on tension looped it on band peg and then my feet -
4 sets of 30

Jan 12 '25 - Iron Abyss
Active Recovery Sunday
​200.2 body weight
1835 cals headed to 3000
60 min cardio - 30 before workout - 30 after stationary bike - easy pace 16.5 miles 112bpm

Active recovery day , stretching , bending , pulling , some yoga , lil DB work.

Nice n easy , just relaxed and enjoyed it.

Hip Mobility:
90/90 Stretch 2x30 sec per side
Hip Circles 2x10 each direction
Pigeon Pose 2x30 sec per side

Shoulder Mobility:
Wall Angels 2x10
Band Pull-Apart 3x15
Overhead Reach Stretch 2x30 sec per side

Ankle Mobility:
Ankle Circles 2x10 each side
Deep Squat Hold 2x30 sec
Lunge 2x10 per side

Lower Back Mobility:
Cat-Cow Stretch 2x10 reps
Thread the Needle 2x10 each side
Child’s Pose 2x1 min hold

Core Activation & Stability:
Dead Bugs 2x15 per side
Bird Dogs 2x15 per side
Side Plank 2x30 sec per side
Pelvic Tilt 2x20 slow reps
Pelvic Raise 2x20 slow reps
Plank 2x30 sec
Superman's 3x30 sec

Hamstring Stretch 2x30 sec each leg
Hip Flexor Stretch 2x30 sec each side
Seated Forward Fold 2x30 sec
Cobra Stretch 2x30 sec

Accessory Work:
Dumbbell Rows - #30 - 3x15
Curls - #25 - 3x15
Seated Dumbbell Press - #30 - 3x15
Dumbbell Bench Press - #40 - 3x15

Jan 13 '25 - Iron Abyss
Monday - Bench focus
201 body weight
1448 headed to 3000
60 min cardio - 17.3 miles - 112/114bpm

Today was a decent day , weathers got me achy and a bit slow but a handful of ibuprofen tylenol and a couple of bong hits took some of that away.

Not a big power day , left shoulder and elbow is feeling its age today. 10+ years of using that side of my body for a battering ram takes its toll some days.

Got in some solid work , took my time and worked more eccentric trying to keep the bar in my hands longer. An working on being more and more explosive in my contractions.

I might be strong as an ox still, but Grampy ain't got that big BOOM! any more to launch the bar off my chest and I really want some of it back.

Stretches -
Band Pulls 2x10
Band Press 2x10
Band Xover 2x10
Band Yraise 2x10
Band Face Pull 3x15

Lifts -
Bench with PAP Pairings - Comp style on the final singles
Warm up - ebx5 ebx5 135x5
Progression - 165x10 - 190x5 - 225x3
*PAP Pairings - 250x1 + 4 ExPushUps - 250x1 + 6 ExPushUps - 275x1 + 6 ExPushUps - 310x1 + 4 ExPushups *grinder might repeat next monday
**Back Off Sets - 265x6 - 235x8 - 215xamrap 10* keep track

Incline Close Grip BP - 4x8 - 185x8 - 205x8 - 225x8 - 230x8

Decline Bench - 4x8 - 190x8 - 215x8 - 225x8 - 235x6+2

Pendlay Rows with PAP Pairings - Iron Abyss -
Progression - 185x10 - 205x5 - 225x3
PAP Pairings - 245x1 + 4 ExPullUps - 245x1 + 6 ExPullUps - 265x1 + 6 ExChinUps - 275x1 + 4 ExPullUps - oy vey it was an ugly rep ,repeat next session

Seated Delt Flys - 4x8 - 20x8 - 22.5x8 - 25x8 - 27.5x8

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts - 4 sets of 30

Tuesday Jan 14 '25 - Iron Abyss
6 day split test - 2nd week
201.6 body weight
1665 cals headed to 3000
60 min cardio - 17.3 miles - 114bpm

Today was a good solid lower day , everything clicked , forge was burning hot , head was in it , hinge was firing on time.
Swapped the stiff leg gm's out for seated.
I got no complaints.

Stretches -
Ankle Circles 2x20 - Hip Circles 2x20 - Knees to chest 4x20 hold - 90/90 stretch 3x20 hold - Pelvic Tilt 2x20 - Pelvic Raise 2x20 - Dead Bugs - 2x20 - Bird Dogs - 2x20 - Single knee to chest 2x20 hold - Supermans 3x30 hold - Side Planks 3x30 hold - Childs Pose 2x1 min

Lifts -
Low Box Squats - SSB - Iron Abyss
Warm ups - ebx5 ebx5 150x5
Progression - 220x10 - 255x5 - 300x3 - 335x1
*PAP Pairings - 335x1 + 13" Box Jump - 370x1 + 6 13" Box Jump - 415x1 + 6 13" Box Jump - 450x1 + 4 Box Jump
**Back Off Sets - 360x6 - 315x8 - 295xamrap 12* keep track

Seated Good Mornings - 4x8 - 200x8 - 220x8 - 230x8 - 240x8

Zercher Squats - 4x8 - Iron Abyss
Progression - 190x10 - 210x5 - 230x3
*PAP Pairings - 250x1 + 4 13" Box Jump - 250x1 + 6 13" Box Jump - 270x1 + 6 13" Box Jump - 290x1 + 4 13" Box Jump

Rack Pulls - Hole below knee - Iron Abyss
Build up - 135x3 - 225x3 - 315x3 - 405x3 - 455x3
Working Sets - 475x5 - 540x3 - 580x2 - 620x1

Shrugs - 4x8 - 315x8 - 320x8 - 325x8 - 330x6+2

Abs - Decline Sit Ups - 4 sets of 30

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