10/28 legs
Well, back to business today. Went and did some legs. Got a good workout but didn't really push it either. Not as hard as I couldve. The next week or 2 I'm just gonna walk my way thru the potential new split. Thinking about giving DC another try but really doing it right this time with ALL THE STRETCHES, and negatives on last set. Found a DC PPL split I like. I seemed to be doing well with what I was doing though and really hate to fix what isn't broke. Since I'm taking a year off, I also considered actually periodizing my training this year. Recovery phase, Strength phase, bulk phase, cut phase. We'll see. I gotta couple weeks to play around.
I did get under a squat bar today and that felt pretty nice. Went ok too considering how long it's been. 315x6. Anyways,
Lying ham curls 1x rest pause set 12-15
BB squat
Leg press rp sets 50-60 rep
2pps x 25/11/8/7(that shit was brutal)
225x8(grip shit out on me)
Toe press
Didn't do em
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Oh and I'll just be cruising on gear too for a couple mos. 250 test e and 150 deca
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