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Yano's old man lifts such and so forth
(11-21-2024, 06:11 PM)Kubes Wrote: Yes this is a bad ass log!!
Thanks man ! Other than grinding and lifting I'm pretty much a bad example haahahah.

​Nov 22 '24 - Yanojugate
Heavy Lower Friday
203.7 bodyweight
1455 cals headed to 2700
60 min cardio - stat bike

Today was right on the money. Hinge was firing , head was there , hip was into it and lower back. All the damn stars aligned.

​Started adding in more volume today see how that effects recovery and when enough is enough.

Even with the slight increase in volume the work out was timely , hour and forty five minutes.

Stretches -
Knees to chest 4x20 hold - Pelvic Tilt 2x20 - Pelvic Raise 2x20 - Dead Bugs 2x20 - Single Knee to Chest 3x20 hold - Bird Dogs 2x20 - Supermans 3x30 hold - Side Planks 3x30 hold - Childs Pose 3x10 hold

Lifts -
Skwatz - Triples to working sets -
Warm up - ebx5 ebx5
Progression - 150x3 - 200x3 - 245x3 - 285x3 - 345x3 - 365x3
Work sets - 385x3x3x3

Zerchers - 5x5 Progressive - 185x5 - 205x5 - 215x5 - 220x5 - 225x5

Good Mornings - Stiff Leg 5x5 Progressive - 5x5 - 200x5 - 220x5 - 230x5 - 240x5 - 245x5

Dedz - Our Block Progression
Progression - 250x10 - 295x5 - 355x3 - 395x2
Singles - 440x1x1x1x1x1
Back down sets 3xamrap - 330x8x5+1x3+1+1 - just added these and have to work up into 3x8

Deficit Dedz - Our Block Progression
310x5 - 365x3 - 405x2 - 445x1

Shrugs - 5x5 Progressive - 275x5 - 285x5 - 295x5 - 305x5 - 315x5 - left scap's still pinchy feeling

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts - 30x30x30x30

Nov 23 '24 - Yanojugate
Testing New Heavy Upper Main mover and accessories from program
203.7 bodyweight deca or pewp ? the world may never know
1495 cals headed to 2700
60 min cardio

Today went well , tossed in the main mover from our new program and dropped the bands n chains for a while.

Still a speed day , tried to generate as much force n speed with the bar as I could each rep still same as working with bands or chains on dynamic day. Rest time between sets under a minute.

Kept the accessories static for the most part with not much progression see how the volume we added in effects this old war horse , if we can keep up then it's full ahead and damn the torpedoes.

Fire in the forge was hot , head was in it, bar moved well. 10/10 stars. Big money no whammies !!

Stretches -
Band Pull 2x10
Band Press 2x10
Band Xover 2x10

Lifts -
Bench - Speed work 8x3 - fast fast fast
Warm up - ebx10 ebx10
Slight Progression - 135x3 - 155x3 - 175x3 - 195x3
Working Set - 205x3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3
Back Down Sets - 3x8 - 180x8x8x8
These went well ,blown right up like a tire - might increase 5% see how - test for a few weeks

Decline Bench - 5x5 - 220x5 - 230x5 - 235x5 -240x5 - 245x5

Close Grip Incline - 5x5 - 205x5 - 210x5 - 215x5 - 220x5 - 225x5

Standing Row - 5x5 - 80x5 - 85x5 - 90x5 - 95x5 - 100x3+1+1

Curls - long bar - 4x8 - 80x8x8x8x6+2

Standing Military Press - kept very very light for these - 4x8 - 90x8x8x8x8

Delt Raise - 3x15 - front - #25 - 15x15x15

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts - 30x30x30x30
Sounds like you had a killer day down in the dungeon and great there's no surprises. Bet you are looking forward to the holidays man!
This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.

-Morpheus (from the Matrix)
(11-23-2024, 05:14 PM)MindlessWork Wrote: Sounds like you had a killer day down in the dungeon and great there's no surprises. Bet you are looking forward to the holidays man!

Hell yeah man, Holidays are always fun , kids will be up from SC, other son and his family will be down from upstate, the girls live close to us ,so we'll have all 12 grand kids for Christmas

Nov 25 '24 - Yanojugate
Max Lower Monday
​203.4 body weight
1428 cals headed to 2700
60 min cardio stat bike

In the timeless words of the great American philosopher Ric Flair - " WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! "

Today was a fucking corker , was a bit hesitant with the added volume but it call came out in the wash.

Head was in it , hinge fired well , bar had good speed off the floor , hips felt good. Stellar fucking day.

We'll see where the added volume takes us and begin to step up our set progression , see just how close to the edge of recovery we truly are.

​Stretches -
Knees to chest 4x20 hold - Pelvic Raise 2x20 - Pelvic Tilt 2x20 - Dead Bugs 2x20 - Single knee to chest 2x10 hold - Bird Dogs 2x20 - Supermans 3x30 hold - Side Planks 3x30 hold - Childs Pose 3x10 hold

Lifts -
Skwatz - Fives to Infinity and Beyond - Low box - SSB
Warm up - ebx5 ebx5
Progression - 150x5 - 200x5 - 245x5 - 285x5 - 325x5 - 385x3 - 405x3 - 425x2
Singles - 440x1 - 460x1 - 470x1
Back Off Sets - 310x6 - 270x8 - 235xAMRAP = 6* keeping track for funsies

Good Mornings - 5x5 - Good Progression today -
200x5 - 240x5 - 270x5 - 290x5 - 310x5

​Zerchers - 5x5 - Slight Progression -
185x5 - 205x5 - 215x5 - 225x5 - 230x5

Dedz - Our current Anello block progression
Build up - 135x5 - 225x5
Progression - 255x10 - 300x5 - 360x3 - 400x2 - 445x1 - 505x1
Back Off Sets - 405x6 - 355x8 - 305xAMRAP = 8* keeping track for funsies

Rack Pulls - bar just below knee -
445x5 - 505x3 - 550x2 - 590x1

Shrugs - 5x5 - With the pinchy scap I kept these static -
#315 - 5x5x5x4+1x3+1+1

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts - 30x30x30x30

Nov 27 '24 - Yanojugate
Testing new main mover - Upper
204 body weight
1560 cals headed to 2700
60 min cardio - stat bike

Today went real well, swapped out our max upper scheme for the same block i've been using for our deadlift progression being that has worked very well , I thought why not give it a go.

Head was in it , body felt good , had good speed on the bar for the heavier work that was done and we added in our back down sets again.

I got no complaints 10/10 stars.

Stretches -
Band Pulls 2x10
Band Press 2x10
Band Xover 2x10

Bench - New block progression
145x10 - 165x5 - 190x3 - 225x2 - 250x1- 285x1

*Back down sets - 80%/70%/65% of the days top set - 230x6 - 200x8 - 185xAMRAP = 10* keepin track for fun

Decline Bench - 5x5 - 220x5 - 225x5 - 230x5 - 235x5 - 240x5

Close Grip Incline - 5x5 - 205x5 - 210x5 - 215x5 - 220x5 - 225x3+1+1* some freaky gyration close to fornication

Standing Rows - 5x5 - 80x5 -85x5 - 90x5 - 95x5 - 100x2x2x1

Delt Flys - #25 - 15x15x15

Curls - 4x8 - 65x8 - 75x8 - 85x8 - 90x8

Abs - Bent leg lifts - 30x30x30x30

Nov 28 '24 - Brutal Conjugation
Heavy Lower Friday
203.7 body weight
1125 cals headed to 2700
60 min cardio + 10k shovelful's of snow

Today went real well even after moving snow all morning , hinge an back were a bit tired but everything went well.

Head was in it , everything fired proper , bar traveled well. I got no complaints at all.

I ran today Skwats / Dedz first for mains , then moved to ,GM , Zerchers and down the line. In case I ran out of gas from all the snow moving

Accessories are run today in a 4x8

Stretches -
Knees to chest 4x20 hold - Pelvic Raise 2x20 - Pelvic Tilt 2x20 - Dead Bugs 2x20 - Single knee to chest 2x20 hold - Bird Dogs 2x20 - Supermans 3x30 hold - Side Planks 3x30 hold - Childs Pose 2x30 hold

Lifts -
Skwats - following our 10-5-3-2-1 rep scheme - low box - SSB
Warm up - ebx5 ebx5
Progression - 200x10 - 230x5 - 275x3 - 310x2
Working Singles - 345x1x1x1x1x1
*Back down sets - 280x6 - 245x8 - 225x10*keeping track for fun

Stiff Leg Good Mornings - 4x8 - Slight Progression
200x8 - 210x8 - 220x8 - 225x8

Zerchers - 4x8 - Slight Progression
185x8 - 195x8 - 205x8 - 215x8

Dedz - Our same progression as above the "21"reps
Build up - 135x2 - 225x2
Progression - 255x10 - 300x5 - 360x3 - 400x2
Working Singles - 445x1x1x1x1x1
*Back down sets - 360x6 - 315x8 - 290x7* Grampys feelin gassed time for a Reeces

Deficit Dedz - Standing on 25# plates and a piece of half inch plywood
320x5 - 375x3 - 415x2 - 455x1

Shrugs - 4x8 - Pinch scaps still pinchy
225x8 - 275x8 - 315x6+2 - 315x5+2+1

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts - 30x30x30x30

​Nov 30 '24 - Brutal Conjugation
Percentage upper saturday
203.3 body weight
1310 cals headed to 2700
60 min cardio - stat bike

Today went real good , worked the new 105321 for main and dropped to 80% of 1rm for accessories , a bit complicated if you don't know your 1rm so I might change it to a straight set n rep scheme and leave the weight up to the lifter ,,,unsure.

Head was in it, fire was hot, bar moved well. Damn good day.

Bench - competition style - pause out of the rack - pause on chest - pause before rack
Warm up - ebx5 ebx5
Progression - 145x10 - 165x5 - 200x3 - 225x2
Working Singles - 250x1x1x1x1x1
*Back off sets - 200x6 - 175x8 - 165x11*keeping track for fun

Accessories set to 80% of 1rm of the lift - I just backed down 20lbs and added it back on per set for progression - oddly complicated - needs ironing out

The accumulated fatigue really adds up by the end up this even light weights felt heavy as fuck.

Decline Bench - 4x8 - 175x8 - 180x8 - 190x8 - 195x8

Incline Close Grip Bench - 4x8 - 175x8 - 180x8 - 190x8 - 195x6+2

Standing Rows - 4x8 - 85x8 - 90x8 - 95x8 -100x6+1+1

Curls - 4x8 - 70x8 - 75x8 - 80x8 - 90x5+2+1

Delt Flys - 3x15 - #25x15x15x15

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts - 30x30x30x30

Dec 2 '24 - Brutal Conjugation
Heavy Lower Monday
203.5 body weight
1280 cals headed to 2700
60 min stat bike

Today was one of those days as you look over your "to do" list you think to yourself ,,, there's no way , not today.

Then you finish main mover and it wasnt so bad , then the back off sets and into the second of your heavy movers and you think ,, well this aint so tough ... and before you know it , you're laughing hitting the last of your abs thinking ,, holy shit !! I did it.

Everything moved well with purpose , got a few more lbs on accessories , heads in a good spot , forge built up a decent fire after a few reps and we were ready to go.

Stretches -
Knees to chest 4x20 hold - Pelvic Tilt 2x20 - Pelvic Raise 2x20 - Dead Bugs 2x20 - Single knee to chest 2x10 hold - Bird Dogs 2x20 - Supermans 3x30 hold - Side Planks 3x30 hold - Childs Pose 2x20 hold

Lifts -
Skwatz - Brutal Conjugation 1053211 scheme - comp height box - ssb
Warm ups - ebx5 ebx5
Build up - 150x5
Progression - 205x10 - 235x5 - 280x3 - 315x2 - 350x1 - 395x1
*Back off sets - 320x6 - 280x8 - 260x8 *keeping track

Good Mornings - 5x5 - 240x5 - 245x5 - 250x5 - 255x5- 260x5

Zerchers - 5x5 - 185x5 - 195x5 - 205x5 - 210x5 - 215x5

Dedz - 1053211 scheme
Build up - 135x3 - 225x3
Progression - 260x10 - 305x5 - 365x5 - 405x2 - 450x1 - 510x1 *moved real well good speed
​*Back off sets - 410x6 - 360x8 - 335x8 *keeping track

Rack Pulls - hole below knee
450x5 - 515x3 - 555x2 - 595x1 *moved well held at lockout for a 3 count

Shrugs - 5x5 - Pinchy scap felt better - pushed these just a bit
225x5 - 275x5 - 315x5 - 325x5 - 330x5

​Bent Leg Lifts - 30x30x30x30

Dec 4 '24 - Brutal Conjugation
​Heavy Upper Wednesday
204.1 body weight
1278 cals headed to 2700
60 min cardio stat bike

​Program testing continues , new scheme seems to work well and it feels good.

​Head was in it , forge was hot and ready to smelt iron , it all went right proper. Pinchy scap is still pinchy , seems to be more when I try to row than anything else. Right bicep is a lil spongy as well , not a pull feeling just more of pump type of thing.

Stretches -
2x10 Band Press
2x10 Band Pull
2x10 Band Xover

Lifts -
Competition Bench - pause off rack - pause on chest - pause before rack
1053211 - our Brutal scheme
​Warm up - ebx5 ebx5 135x5
Progression to top set - 150x10 - 170x5 - 205x3 - 230x2 - 255x1 - 290x1
**Back off sets - 235x6 - 205x8 - 190x9 * keeping track for fun

Decline Bench - 5x5 - 220x5 - 225x5 - 230x5 - 235x5 - 240x3+2

Incline Close Grip Bench - 5x5 - 205x5 - 210x5 - 215x5 - 220x5 - 225x4+1

Standing Rows - 4x8 - 65x8 - 75x8 - 80x8 - 85x8

Curls - 4x8 - 55x8 - 65x8 - 75x8 - 80x8

Delts - 3x15 - #25 - 15x15x15

Abs - Bent Leg Lifts - 30x30x30x30

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